Signature of every individual is the most basic part and it is considered as private as it is recognized for banking purposes. Many numerologists get an approach or recognize the characteristics of the person as it deals with your subconscious mind. It can give information if you are confused about yourself. It is not considered to be the celebrity thing we also need this for our regular courses of life like monetary purposes, legal matters, any career, and other important matters also.We are talking about your signature but you also, change your name according to the numerology. The figures with which we write our signatures have been represented by the numerological elements.They are :
- The thumb finger represents Space or Linga the Cosmic Creator.
- The index finger represents Air.
- The middle finger represents Fire.
- The ring finger represents Earth.
- The pinky finger represents Water.
In order to know the importance of signature in numerology, you must know the types of signatures which are as follows. Some of the signatures we need to take as an example to understand them better.
- If the person makes an underline or an underscoring then they consider themselves very special and have self-confidence.
- If someone makes the underline according to the letters of the signature or kind of wavy underscore then they are very humorous persons.
- If the underscore is very wide and long then the persons are very proud of themselves.
- If the underscore is ascending then the person remains optimistic throughout life.
- If anyone put an over the score in the signature then the person could be selfish.
- If they make a cross over them signature then the person could be reserved and tends to harm themselves.
- If the signature is larger than the handwriting of that person then it shows that this person has confidence towards life. However very large signatures show lack of confidence and insecurities, and they are expert in hiding their insecurities.
- If anyone makes a circle at the outside of the first letter of the signature they will never be expressive.
- Others who put an initial of the names they are very defensive in nature.
- Those who are having pointed or edgy signatures they have fire elements within them to do something.
- Those whose signatures represent decorative ones then these people are very expressive and often turn to be dramatic.
- If the signature of the person is almost the same as his handwriting then the person will be very down to earth and also straightforward.
- If there are dots then the person is fond of art, they are romantic and dont trust others easily.
How to affect the lifestyle with changes in signature :
- Grapho-Therapy effect.
- An upward slant brings good luck.
- The small gap between the name and the surname means balance between social and professional life.
- You must begin your name and surname initials in capital letters as it is considered as auspicious.
- The letters like f, g, j, p, q and y should not end at the bottom but make it go up and then finish the line.
- You must check if there are any broken or double lines as it is considered inauspicious as it brings disturbances in your life.
- The last suggestion should be that you must consult a numerologist or a signaturologist for a better career.
The famous celebrities who change their names with their signatures to become successful also are :
- Aaron Paul
- Akshay Kumar
- Brad Pitt
- Bruno Mars
- Dilip Kumar
- Elton John
- Katy Perry
- Katrina Kaif
- Kumar Gaurav
- Jamie Foxx
- Joaquin Phoenix
- Jennifer Aniston
- Miley Cyrus
- Mahima Chaudhary
- Michael Caine
- Mallika Sherawat
- Nicki Minaj
- Natalie Portman
- Nicolas Cage
- Olivia Wilde
- Portia De Rossi
- Preity Zinta
- Saif Ali Khan
- Sunny Deol
- Vin Diesel